Hunting in the Highlands is LIVE on Kindle!

Happy 1st day of the last month of the year! How has 2017 flown so fast? … What would you say is your favourite event or memory of the year so far?

Because it’s the 1st of December, that also means it’s the first day that Baker Family Adventures: Hunting in the Highlands is available on Kindle! ย Amazon US ย  | ย  Amazon UK

(And because I have to include a campfire picture to match the “kindle” concept… here’s a little quote. ๐Ÿ™‚ )

The fire glowed merrily, warming Abbyโ€™s nose and fingers as she cradled a carved wooden bowl in her hands. She wished that the fireโ€™s warmth would penetrate her boots and thaw her feet, and also wished that there was salt or honey or cream to embellish the porridge the lads had made as soon as they discovered that Fergus had brought oats back. Some dark blue berries were mixed in for flavor, but they tasted like they were over-ripe and at the end of their season. ~ Chapter 21, Hunting in the Highlands

168 thoughts on “Hunting in the Highlands is LIVE on Kindle!

  1. Wow, Caitlin!! Great glimpse into Hunting in the Highlands!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ Can’t wait to get it ๐Ÿ™‚
    I think my favorite memory of this year, so far, is when God showed Himself faithful during a very trying month of whooping cough which our family went through several months ago. It was difficult, trying, and a great test of our patience and trust in the Lord. But He drew us so much closer together as a family during that time. We made so many good memories!!! He also drew us closer to Him as we were pretty much forced to depend on Him for courage and strength to move forward. There are things that I personally never would have learned had God not brought us through that!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ Praising the Lord for His amazing providence!! He truly is the Master Author, using everything we go through in life for His glory and our good, just like the Bible says in Romans 8:28 : “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
    So, I think that is my favorite memory so far– just because it shows how great our God is!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Callie, that is such a beautiful, touching, and grace-filled account of what must have been a difficult time โ€” how wonderful that you had the right attitude and perspective to notice His handiwork in action and His faithfulness in keeping His promises. Praise Him! That was such a blessing to read. Thank you for sharing โค๏ธ

  2. So exited!!! The story sounds amazing!
    My favorite memory of this year was when my family and I went canoe camping with our good friends. It was a whole lot of fun! And it showed me that good relationships with family and friends are priceless. (plus it was unnervingly similar to the experience the Bakers had in The Treacherous Trail)

  3. This book sounds so good! I really want to read it. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m pretty sure that my favorite memory from this year is when I found out that my mom is expecting #7… and announcing it at church was pretty fun, too, since we found a special way to do it. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Either that, or when we went to some preaching meetings and I got to see my best friends. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I’m so excited! This is top priority on my wish list! I have tons of favorite memories, but some of them were reading your books. I remember reading Iceland Intrigue for the first time on my Mom’s tablet while she vacuumed the ceilings. I had to stop every few minutes to help her and the suspense was nearly unbearable. When Jigson came back, I cried my eyes out I was so happy.

  5. I think my favorite memory was some deep pounding I got to do last month. Up to that point it had always been frustrating and confusing why I had to have my accident last year. But I had some time to really think on it and realized what it was doing in my life. I’ve got each new day I’m still alive! I’m recovering though it’s been very painful and slow for someone inpatient as I am. A little while ago I would’ve gladly not had that happen to me but now I’m very glad I could be called a miracle child. Romans 8: 28 also really helped me come to grips with things. So I’ll dance a little laugh a little and hope a little more cuz I’m not ready to leave without youโ€™ll

    • Jac, Iโ€™m sorry to hear about your accident! Iโ€™m so grateful that youโ€™re still with us โค๏ธ I love Romans 8:28 too. Itโ€™s such a deep, reassuring verse, and a wonderful reminder of Godโ€™s goodness in all things โ€” even ones we donโ€™t understand (like in the story of Joseph and Job). Iโ€™m praying for you and your continued recovery!

      • Thank you for your prayers, they are much appreciated. The last month I have spiritually, mentally, physically, healed and grown very much.

  6. I had a lot of fun canoe camping also! ๐Ÿ˜‰ My best memories were of playing music, spending time in the wilderness, making friends, and…reading Iceland Intrigue when it came out earlier this year! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I am really excited to read Hunting in the Highlands, though I will probably get the paperback.

  7. Wow! I will be getting a sample now! ๐Ÿ™‚
    My favorite memory this year would be the birth of my little sister. It had been 5 years since we had had a baby in the house.God answered our prayers and blessed us with a happy and healthy baby girl!

  8. Yes Jubilee that is true, my brother loves my birthday practically more than his own,because everything that comes out for Black Friday and Christmas comes out after his birthday. But before mine so I get it earlier and then he can devour it before having to wait till he could get it for Christmas.

  9. Congrats on Hunting in the Highlands coming out on Kindle! I can’t wait to get and read it. ๐Ÿ™‚ My favorite event this year…wow, there’s a lot. ๐Ÿ˜› Probably my favorite is helping out at our VBS this year, and my little sister accepting Christ! My favorite verse is Psalm 147:10-11.

  10. YAY!!
    I can’t wait to read it!!!
    I probably won’t read it till Christmas. My mom is getting it for me. I don’t think she knows that I know. LOL.
    I have no idea what my favorite is. So much happened this year. 2017 has flown!!

  11. Been there done that, took Iceland intrigue in the shower with me. Lol I would have done it with hunting the highlands to but my mother said I would be in serious trouble if I read past chapter 16 until tomorrow.

  12. It snowed almost 2 feet at our house so I had to shovel paths and the porch and have been babysitting. But I’ve snuck in a few minutes here and there and I’m now on chapter 23.

  13. I also like the part where so and so basically says to so and so. If you are a spy and you threaten guards with butter knifes surly you can climb arrows.

  14. Oh and I’ve been thinking about this for a little while. But after reading Hunting in the Highlands I definitely think Phil should meet a Dashing Young girl inventor.๐Ÿ˜‰

    • I’m LOVING this opportunity to hear all the parts of the story you enjoyed, Jac! It warms my author heart ๐Ÿ™‚

      (P.S. I would be *super* grateful if you ever wanted to leave a rating on Amazon or Goodreads ๐Ÿ˜‰ It helps more people like you find the books, and helps me to write more!)

      • I’m going to reread the book so I can give you a better rating:) Not sure when that’ll be since I have a friend who’s waiting for me to lend it to them…

  15. That’s awesome!I have often Compton plated
    writing a book myself and if I did they would
    have a lot of the basics your books have.
    By the way I told my brother what I thought and he agrees Phil needs to get married. It would also be really cool to have a Biblical picture of that.

    • I have started writing books. I wrote the first book with thirty chapters and an epilogue and I’m halfway through a second book. We are even looking at publishing the first and then the second and so on. They are Christian and about a homeschooling family plus another family who becomes main characters.

      Phil should get married. Maybe he can marry Anna Predzel.

      • That’s awesome Parker! I am trying to do the same thing! My problem is that I tend to drift from one project to another, so I am working on like 3 different books at the same time.

      • I almost did that with writing the series I am but have not so far. With other books I did do that. Sometimes I read over those unfinished products and wonder why I never finished. I guess the difference for me is if I love the book I’m writing enough I will finish it. It would be cool to read everyone’s books they have tried to write though.

    • Do you know the Rail Fence code?

      m f v r t p r w s i d n o t o e f i s n p s a d o m s h d c c w v i i t r u h h r t r h i e .
      y a o i e a t a f n i g u m r o j g o s a t n h w i s e g o k o e t n h o g c a c e c o c s

      Not really spoilers in there, but there sort of are:)

  16. Yes, I know the rail fence code although it’s been so long since I’ve used it I did cheat and I actually read through the description of it one more time to refresh myself before deciphering your message.

  17. LOL I already have two or three people lined up to lend my book too. I really enjoyed finding out more about that as well although I think that character will always have an air of Mystery.

  18. I’ve been reading G.A. Henty’s “In Freedom’s Cause”, and it really got me excited about Wallace, Bruce, and Scotland’s history. So it has been cool since Hunting in the Highlands talks a lot about that. I also have studied a lot of genetics and DNA in the past few years. Something about it really fascinates me, so I am glad you go into a little of that.
    Sometimes, I almost wish that, welI… I didn’t know about these books…yet. because then I wouldn’t have to wait in increasing, nail biting, “stressful” suspense for the next books to be written! I could just read them all at once and be blissfully unaware of the “pain” and “trauma” ๐Ÿ™‚ that all of the current readers are experiencing!
    (Just kidding!) I LOVE your books. Will there be an 8th one? Because we would all highly appreciate it if there were. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • thanks, i will hurry through the one I am reading (Brothers at Arms: Treasure & Treachery in the Amazon) Which is really good. and get to Freedoms cause

      • Oh is Brothers at Arms: Treasure & Treachery in the Amazon any good? I’ve always wanted to get it and read it but so far haven’t got it.

      • Yes! (for Brothers at Arms) There’s just one thing at the end that the main characters do that I don’t agree with. Other than that, it’s a fantastic book! (Coming from the person who had The Boy Colonel and spent months hunting down the Vision Forum published Brothers at Arms and Secret of the Lost Settlement, finally bought both [for I won’t say how much!], and then got an email from Miss Hedgcock saying that John J. Horn had been republished through Grace & Truth Books. *headdesk* ๐Ÿ™‚ ) You’ll enjoy it!

      • Yes! Mainly “With Lee in Virginia”, “Under Drake’s Flag” and “In Freedom’s Cause”. Are there any others? They are really cool. You should make audio dramas out of the Baker Family Adventures, Miss Hedgcock!

      • Heirloom audio has dramatize them and they have come out with. Under Drake’s flag, In freedoms cause, With Lee in Virginia, The dragon and the Raven, Beric the Briton, The cat of bubastes, In the reign of terror, Captain Bailey’s air, and Wulf the Saxon. But if you don’t care about dramatization and you just want the actual books being read then they do have them for every single book he ever wrote. Can’t think of what those ones are called the right now

      • I love the G. A. Henty audio dramas! In fact, I just listened to the Cat of Bubastes (I got it for christmas). It was amazing!

      • thanks, i know when vision form went out we had the riddle of the ruby ring and the treacherous trail in the cart. and i was devastated when we never got our order and couldn’t get her books any were else. i was so excited when grace and truth published her.

  19. My favorite event I would say is getting book 7 for Christmas. It was so good that I read it in two days!!! I loved it and I’m going to read it over and over again.

  20. I finished it! I read it in a day and a half. I loved every part, especially the parts you already mentioned Jac. I thought the “Robin Hood” character was cool, too. I also really liked the part at the end where so and so talked about what it’s like to be a christian. Oh and the part where so and so says, “We have the courage to haver!”

  21. I was right. My mom did get me the book for Christmas. It came in kinda late so I just started it today. I’m on chapter 23 and I LOVE IT! It is so full of suspense I can’t put it down!
    I love William Wallace and Robert the Bruce! I have read In Freedoms Cause twice and I really love that you put them in the story.
    I enjoy archery as well though I’m not very good at it;)

  22. Audio Dramas–Definitely! Movies–I am not sure. Seems like it would sorta ruin the way we imagine the action in the books. Plus, it would have to be abridged, and everyone knows that the BFA can’t be abridged!

    • We wouldn’t have to abridge them I would have no problem watching part 1 , part 2 and part 3 of Iceland Intrigue. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I don’t think it would ruin it but ,I love acting so I’m always good on going for a movie.

      • I like movies too, but–Maybe some of the books would work. They are pretty fast paced. But I still like the audio drama idea better.

    • I agree Isabelle! Audio dramas would be so cool, but me and my BFA fanatic friends and siblings think movies would ruin the way you always imagined the characters, and it would definitely be sad if it had to be abridged.

      • I kinda think Isabelle’s right. BFA can NOT be abridged. And I suppose it would ruin our mental pictures of the characters.

      • I was thinking the same thing. Or maybe the stress of going strait form Iceland to Scotland and keeping his identity a secret is taking a tole on him. Maybe he should take Dr. Roth’s advice and go on that vacation ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • Yeah, a vacation without adventure for him would be good for his health. I don’t think he will get that though because the Bakers will probably need him soon.

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