Liebster Award: 11 Fun Questions

I was recently nominated by Holly from My Reel Life for the Liebster award. Thank you, Holly!

(Here is Holly’s explanation: One blogger nominates eleven other bloggers for the award, then those eleven nominate another set of bloggers for the award!  It keeps getting passed around, allowing bloggers to get their blogs out there!  The award is a badge that you put on your blog for all to see. )

Tag Rules:
1 -Thank the blog that nominated you for the award.
2 – Answer the questions they gave you.
3 – Nominate 11 other bloggers for the award, and give them 11 questions to answer.


Here are the questions from Holly — a lot of them turned out to be very hard to answer, but a lot of fun too 🙂 Sometimes I couldn’t decide on a *top* favourite, so one of my favourites will be there instead.

1. What is your favorite book of the Bible and why?
I think it has to be a choice between Psalms and the Gospels. Psalms is full of snapshots of encouragement, and the Gospels are full of the awe-inspiring love and wisdom of Christ in every situation He encountered.

2. What are your top 3 books (beside the Bible)?
Another hard question! I will list the first three books that spring to mind as ones that I really enjoyed, need to read again, and would pack for a desert island trip! 🙂 Morning & Evening (Spurgeon),  Eyes Wide Open: Enjoying God in Everything (Steve DeWitt), and hmm… an action-adventure would be nice but I can’t pick just one! If I had to grab one in a life-and-death situation … maybe The Coral Island (Ballantyne).

3. What is your least favorite food?
I’m not fond of Heinz baked beans (popular here in the UK), but they usually taste better than I remember.

4. What is your favorite dessert?
Almost anything involving chocolate 🙂 Brownies, blondies, mousse … or the slabs with interesting additions.

5. If you were able to travel back in time, what time period would you go to?
Early Victorian or 1930-40s

6. What is your favorite holiday?
[Fun fact: In British English, ‘holidays’ is a word most commonly used for vacations.] Christmas has always been a special time for me and my family as together we celebrate the birth of Christ. I know many Christians don’t celebrate Christmas, and that’s fine too 🙂

7. Apple or Samsung?

8. If you could meet anyone from the Bible, who would you want to meet?
The Lord Jesus! To listen to Him ‘in person’ and watch Him interact in real time with people would be amazing. But I really look forward to meeting and talking to all of the ‘heroes’ of the faith.

9. What is your favorite blog to read?
K.M. Weiland’s Helping Writers Become Authors; there is a lot of good writing advice and encouragement to keep learning the craft.

10. Absolute favorite soundtrack from a movie?
John Powell’s How to Train Your Dragon is very good. However, it tends to depend on what writing project I’m working on; every now and then a new ‘favorite’ pops up as I listen to the best tracks from different soundtracks. (For example, Prince of Egypt has some great ones.)

11. Kendrick brothers (Flywheel, Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Courageous and War Room) or Erwin Brothers (Mom’s Night Out, Woodlawn, and I Can Only Imagine?)
Hmm… both 🙂 Flywheel and I Can Only Imagine (since I saw that recently)

Now it’s your turn! Instead of nominating 11 other bloggers, I’ll leave these questions here and if you want to answer them in the comments, feel free to do so. If you have a blog, consider yourself nominated for the award and answer them there!

1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
5. Do you procrastinate?
6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?

163 thoughts on “Liebster Award: 11 Fun Questions

  1. I’m a blogger and amateur web designer. This is fun!!!

    1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    ~John J. Horn’s The Boy Colonial!

    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    ~Mostly historical fiction

    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    ~Probably Swizerland

    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    ~Real books!!!!!!

    5. Do you procrastinate?
    ~Unfortunately my middle name:) 🙂 🙂

    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    ~Become an author (hopefully next year)
    ~Go into dramatic arts (hopefully at the Lamplighter Guild and Theatre)
    ~Become a wife and mother
    ~Serve the Lord in everything I do!

    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    ~Tenderloin Steak, fries, carrots sautéed in butter:)

    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    ~Um, not sure…maybe skydiving?

    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?

    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    ~Um watch the film first. Then I am not mad at it:)

    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or
    historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    ~Jigson! Les Stroud (aka Survivorman) William Reynolds (Beyond the Mask)

  2. 1. The last book I read was Iceland Intrigue. I would definitely recommend it as I have everywhere I’ve gone. People probably get tired of me telling about my favorite author.
    2. I read some nonfiction for pleasure.
    3. I’ve traveled to Florida and Kentucky. I’m not sure which one’s farther.
    4. I definitely prefer real books.
    5. I procrastinate sometimes.
    6. I want to be a published author and concert pianist. (I’ve written two full-length novels and I’m working on my third. I can’t wait to start the publishing process.)
    7. I would eat at a country buffet or have my mom cook a country meal.
    8. One scary thing I want to do is bull-riding.
    9. Homemade pizza for sure!!
    10. Watch the film and then the book. That way my imagination doesn’t have to change.
    11. If I were stranded on an island, I’d want Jigson, Detective Mortimer, and Jared (My book character) to help me off.

  3. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    ~ Apostate by Kevin Swanson.
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    ~ Absolutely!
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    ~ Hawaii.
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    ~Real books!!
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    ~ Sometimes.
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up? A missionary pilot.
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    ~ RARE steak with butter and deep fried chesse cake.
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    ~ Define ‘scary’, I do stuff all the time that people say is ‘scary’, but to me it’s just normal.
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    ~ My mom’s homemade is the best.
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    ~ Who cares about most movies? People, they are just a waste of time. Totally the books!
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    ~ I’m not sure….. I kinda have this feeling I’d get off myself.

  4. I love how to train your Dragon and Prince of Egypt but I love the soundtrack to “The Greatest Showman”!!! Now for questions…
    1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    John J Horns!!!! I read them at Christmas, the latest one would be Mere Christianity or Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis, almost finished them
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    Sometimes, if there is something I’m really interested in, I enjoy doing schoolwork though but I mainly read the books in the curriculum.
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.) South Africa from England
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    Real books!
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    Sadly sometimes…
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    Be an author
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    Turkey pasta bake, with Labra Larvar and Chocofabt for dessert…
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    Visit the creation museum and the ark, live on a ranch (I’m not leaving England!) and own a bay quarter horse…
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza? homemade!
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it or the other way around?
    Depends, the film spoils how I see the characters Unless it’s a good film, so if its good, film first.
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    for the best chance of survival,
    Edmund and Colonel Nobody and probably Jigson or Andy.

  5. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    Hunting in the Highlands!
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    Sometimes, mostly research on many wild and diverse topics that have nothing to do with each other.

    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    Pompeii, Italy
4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    Real books, hands down. There’s nothing better than the smell and feel of a new book. You don’t get that with an audio book.

    5. Do you procrastinate?
6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    That’s a hard one, but I’m leaving more towards animal rescue and rehab.

    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    Garlic cheese pizza with morel mushrooms.
8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    I have to pick one?
    -bungee jumping
    -cage diving

    -jump bareback over a fence at midnight…XD
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    Homemade is the best!

    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    Yes, book first! The books is always better!

    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    Jigson (obviously), Fergus (BFA), and Dylan McWilliams (real life)

  6. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    -The Story Girl by L.M. Montgomery
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    -Yes, usually books about historical figures.
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    -Ireland! (I want to go back)
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    -Real books all the way!
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    -Umm.. yes.
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    -Professional Photography
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    -A sopapilla
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    -Cliff Jumping
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    -Read the book first!
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    -Jigson, Kate Wetherall, and Gandalf (because, why not?!)

  7. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    Hmm, I just finished “Tom Watkins Mistake”, which was an extremely good book. At the moment I’m reading “The Original White House Cookbook”, which is so intriguing!
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    Oh, yes. Non-fiction is much more pleasing. I enjoy missionary biographies, autobiographies, and books that encourage my faith.
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    It’s either Montana or Idaho. I forget which one. 🙂
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    Real books all the way!
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    On certain subjects…Especially if I don’t have someone encouraging me to get it done.
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    I want to be an author like you, Caitlyn! And I want to have a farm, and glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    Haha, hamburgers, a huge bowl of fruit, and some kind of dessert.
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    Entering all the “Do Not Enter” doors in the White House, or riding from Mexico to Canada on horse back by way of the Rockies.
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    I prefer to watch the movie first. If I read the book, and then watch the movie, and everything isn’t spot on, I’m usually annoyed. BUT! If I watch the movie first, and then read the book, and everything isn’t spot on, I just kinda shrug it off.
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    Ooh, this is really hard! Probably Phil Baker, Stonewall Jackson, and…I would want a woman to be with me, so my little sister? I would need someone from my family to support me, so if not my sister, my older brother. He would want to hang out with Phil and Stonewall, too.

  8. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    – I would recommend Never Again by John Ashcroft. Never Again is a really awesome and thought provoking book. It is definitely well worth the read!
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    – Yes.
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.) – Tigard, Oregon
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    – Definitely ‘real’ books!
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    – Occasionally
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    – Live to bring glory to God and serve and enjoy Him eternally: become an R.N., get married and have a large family.
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    – T-bone steak, homemade mac n’ cheese, sautéed onions, fresh salad, and rolls; for dessert, blueberry cheesecake!
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    – Pilot an airplane, go cave exploring and go scuba diving.
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    – Preferably homemade, but I would enjoy an occasional store-bought pizza.
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    Typically I would prefer to read the book and then watch the movie. That way, if I have read the book first, my mind can automatically fill in possibly missing details in the movie, or the movie will provide me a different perspective than the book had.
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    – My parents and Janner Wingfeather-(from The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson)

  9. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    – That’s hard. I think it would depend on the person. But in general, The Locked Cupboard.
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    – YES!!!
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    – Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    – I prefer the price of an ebook, but I would rather hold the physical book in my hands.
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    – Sometimes. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I’m a get her down type girl, and other times I’ll pit it off as long as I can.
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    – An author first, wife and mother second. (Only because of my age :))
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    – Either tater-tot casserole or ceaser salad with chicken.
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    – Does getting traditionally published count? If not, then nothing. I am not an adrenaline addict.
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    – Homemade. It’s just way better because you get to make it just the way you like it :).
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    – whichever came first.
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    – Considering that I’m stranded on an island, I don’t see as I have much choice. This is my answer because I cannot pick.

  10. Sorry, the questions are slightly out of order…

    1. Books—
    The Killer Angels (Michael Shaara)
    This Changes Everything (Jaquelle Crowe)
    1776 (David McCullough
    2.Scary Things I want to do someday (maybe)–
    Survive for a week in the wilderness with limited supplies
    Climb Mount Everest
    3. Pizza—
    From the store—don’t judge me.
    4. Food—
    Salad! ( You know… Caesar, Italian, Taco, etc…)
    5. Nonfiction–
    I haven’t read fiction in like three months. So the answer is definitely yes! I love history, biographies, Christian living, and encyclopedias)
    6. People I’d want to have with me if I were stranded–
    Irena Sendler (Real)
    Henry Knox (Real)
    Sacagewea (Real)
    7. Do You Procastinate?
    Unfortunately, all the time. One of my biggest personal struggles
    8. Film before book?
    Book first, cause then I don’t have to feel bad about hating the movie. XD Actually, reading the books is usually why I end up watching the movies afterwards.

    9. Farthest Place—
    Probably Yarmouth, Maine.
    10. eBook or Real?
    Real, 100%!!!

  11. I forgot to mention what I wanted to do when I grew up. My greatest desire is to serve God wherever he calls me, in the meantime, I think I want to be an RN and an author. Historical Fiction all the way!

  12. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    Um, probably Worlds Beneath by K.A. Emmons

    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?

    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    Colorado Springs, CO. I think…

    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    Real books all the way!

    5. Do you procrastinate?
    Haha, I put the pro in procrastinate…

    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    Be an author!

    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    Pizza XD

    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?

    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    Eh, probably store bought…

    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    I like to read the book and then watch the movie

    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    Aragorn, Legolas, & Gimli

      • At first I thought you’d said Aragon and my history brain immediately thought, “Catherine of Aragon—Henry VIII first wife!” XD

      • *chokes* You don’t know who Aragorn is?! Oh, you deprived person! XD

        An awful summary, to say in the least, but…
        Aragorn, son of Arathorn, from the race of the Kings over the Sea (Strider, Dunadan). He was Frodo’s guide, protector, and friend until the breaking of the Fellowship. He is the heir to the throne of Gondor – and saved many lives throughout The Lord of the Rings.

        (Faramir would be another good one)

      • (I should add that in the breaking of the Fellowship, Aragorn didn’t abandon Frodo. Frodo left for Mordor with Sam while Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli played a /significant/ role in keeping Middle Earth alive until the ring was destroyed.)

        For more information… *dun dun!* Just read The Lord of the Rings (or watch the movie).

      • *low whistle* Kenleaf this is just a wild guess and correct me if I’m wrong but, I’d say you like Lord Of the Rings…

      • I wouldn’t say I’m a Lord of the Rings nut, but, I mean, I like Lord of the Rings. (I actually re-looked up some of that info from The Fellowship of the Ring)

  13. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    Clover, by Susan Coolidge. Book four in a series of five.

    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    The majority of what I read is non-fiction. I find it more interesting and substantial than most fiction.

    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to
    say where you live.)
    California from Georgia or Michigan from Alabama.

    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    Most definitely real books!!

    5. Do you procrastinate?
    I occasionally do.

    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    Be an authoress, a wife and mother, and be involved in politics with my husband. And glorify God in all that I do.

    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    Mmm, that is hard but I think I would have to say pizza. And fruit! Cantaloupe, peaches and raspberries. I don’t feel in the mood for anything fancy.

    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    I love Jubilee’s! I never thought about it before, but yes, I do want to jump bareback over a fence at midnight! And I want to explore the White House from top to bottom, which has actually been an idea of my sister and I for a couple years.
    And act in a movie, but I’m not sure that is actually scary.

    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?

    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other
    way around?
    I think I prefer watching the movie first because then when I read the book I don’t mind so much if things are different, but when I read a book then watch the movie I sometimes get annoyed at the changes.

    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    My two older brothers, Paul and Andrew. And maybe a friend of mine or my younger sister. I would definitely want my brothers. They are exactly what you would want if you are stuck on a island. One of them would keep up the morale and come up with lots of ideas of how to get off, while the other would keep everyone safe and figure out the best possible plan.

  14. 1: What is the last book you read that you would recommend?
    Hunting in the Highlands!
    2: Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure?
    I can’t say I never had, but I’d rather stick to fiction 😉
    3: What is the farthest place from home you’ve traveled?
    San Diego, California.
    4: Do you prefer real books or e-books?
    Huh? What’s an e-book? (I’m joking but you get the idea)
    5: Do you procrastinate?
    No, unless I’m in the middle of reading a good book.
    6: What do you want to do when you grow up?
    Work with horses, but God could have a different plan!
    7: If you could choose anything, what would you eat for dinner tonight?
    Medium-well steak, corn on the cob, broccoli with cheese, chocolate oblivian mousse cake.
    8: What is one ‘scary’ thing you want to attempt before you die?
    Get stranded out in the middle of nowhere with one or two other people, and survive for a couple days before someone finds us.
    9: Store bought or home-made pizza?
    Homemade. Then I could make it out of candy, because I don’t like pizza!
    10: Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the movie based on it, or the other way around?
    I would watch the movie first. Then when I read the book, I would already ‘know’ what the characters looked like, and not be disappointed by the movie’s versions.
    11: If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    Jigson! My dad for sure, and…I’ll just say…Phil 😉

  15. Six of the people who answered the questions (including myself) chose at least one Baker character to help them off an island, five of them had Jigson, and five had no Baker characters.

  16. 1″What was the last book you read that you would recommend?”
    -Red rock mysteries! Those are great!-
    2 Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    3″What was the farthest from home you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    -probably Washington state-
    4″Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?”
    -e-books definitely! (your books are an exception, Miss Hedgcock!)
    5″Do you procrastinate?”
    -yeah! all the time!-
    6″What do you want to do when you grow up?”
    -Uhhhhhhh, I dunno, probably journalist- Like Millie!)))
    7″ If you choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?”
    8″What’s one scary thing you want to attempt before you die?”
    -man! That’s a super hard question!-
    9″Store bought or homemade pizza?”
    -store-bought ONLY!-
    10″Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around.”
    -the other way around, movies first!-
    11″If you were stranded on an island which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back civilization?”
    -Briosa, Rolf and Jigson :)))))))))

  17. 1. Definitely The Lost Settlement.
    2. I like reading missionary biographies but I like fiction better
    3. Well, I’ve been to Amsterdam, London, and Uganda. Not sure which is farthest. Prob Uganda.
    4. I prefer real books but ebooks can be handier that way if I go somewhere and finish my book I can have several more with me.
    5. Me? Procrastinate? I don’t even know the meaning of the word! JK (delay postpone etc.)
    6. Missionary. Definitely.
    7. Food? I guess? I really don’t have a preference when it comes to food.
    8. There is no way I am going skydiving. The ground is nice enough for me. I don’t really desire to do anything too scary.
    9. Ummmm. Like I said before. Food is food. Pizza is Pizza. Homemade is definitely funner cause you get to make it yourself.
    10, I’d prefer to read the book and then have someone make a movie exactly like it with every single detail. I don’t even care if it lasts seven hours. As long as they get the details right I’m fine with it.
    11. It depends on the island. What if I didn’t want to get back to civilization. If I were stranded on a lovely tropical island I definitely would not mind a whole lot. But I would take Andy, Phil and my dad.
    Sorry I’m so boring. /-:
    Y’all can jump out of a plane if you want to. I’d rather not see death rushing up to meet me in such a fashion.

  18. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    Um probably Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte…although it’s a little dark it’s just such a great read.
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    Sometimes usually biographies.
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    I think it would be Oregon.
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    Real books most definitely, although it is a little harder to read them in the dark 😉
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    Yup…way to much.
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    Not sure, anything that includes writing songs and recording music would be fine by me.
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    Shrimp Scampi
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    Not sure….I’,m not really one for scary things lol.
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    Homemade. For sure.
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    I definitely like to read the book first.
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    I would pick Jaron from the Ascendance Trilogy, Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Predjudice, and Phil Baker 😉

    • Lizzy Bennet?! My family is into stuff like cranford, emma, pride and predijudice, sense and senseability, north and south, the list goes on.

      • Sry this is late…ya Lizzy is my girl. I’ve been called similar to her so many times lol. I absolutely love the Jane Austen. Her writing is just incredible.

  19. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    Great Expectations (Charles Dickens)
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)? Occasionally.
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.) It depends, but probably the Cayman Islands,
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books? Definitely real books, but I never say no to an e-book!
    5. Do you procrastinate? I hope not.
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up? An entrepreneur, mother, and writer.
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight? Pizza!
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die? Zorbing!
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza? Store-bought.
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around? First the book, then the movie.
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization? Ralph Rover, Robinson Crusoe, and Jim Hawkins.

  20. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    A Gospel Primer for Christians by Milton Vincent.
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    OMG yyyyyyeeeeeessssssssssssssss!
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    Iceland! I got something in common with the Bakers! Or London, but that doesn’t count because I was only three months old.
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    Sadly, yes.For instance, I have an essay that I’m supposed to be writing
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    #1.A Mom
    #2.Homeschool any children I have!!!
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    Meet some of my favorite authors!, or go scuba-diving,
    and never have Shingles ever again!!!!
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    That’s a really hard one. If Stephen (my brother) is home it would be homemade. but if He isn’t home,then storebought.
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    There’s so many!!! Let’s see:My Whole Family, Gandalf, Faramir, Boromir, Beregond, Cassian Andor, Tadashi Hamada, Rolf Klaus, Haelix/Jigson, Garth, Aslan, The Pevensies, Winnie-The-Pooh and Friends, Helmer, Picket Longtreader, Jo Shanks, Cole Blackstar, Whit. (And that’s just a few! The last five are Rabbits.:-)

  21. This is neat! Thanks for giving us questions to answer, Miss Hedgcock.

    1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    Any from the Anne of Green Gables series, which is what I’m currently reading, but there are so many more…
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    Norman Oklahoma, for a Sooners football game : )
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    Definitely real books. E-books tend to strain my eyes. And there’s nothing like being able to actually hold the real book, besides, with my knowledge of technology, I’d be likely to accidentally delete something.
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    Well, have a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ, but other than that…Get married. That’s not really something you can force, so I’d like to be an author.
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    I’d like my Mom’s meatloaf, and mashed potatoes right now. That would tend to vary, though.
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    Good grief, I don’t usually try to do scary things! I’ve been zip lining, and that was scary enough. Fun while I was doing it, but scary.
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    Ahem…Please nobody kill me if I say store-bought.
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    Read the book first. If I read the book first, I still have my version of the characters even after I watch the film. If I watch the film first, then when I read the book all I see are the actors.
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    I really don’t know how to answer this. Off the top of my head, I’d say my family. I would never want to be stranded somewhere without them, but, if it were certain that I would get off, and I just had to pick who I was with when I did…The Count of Monte Cristo would come in handy…and so would Jigson…and Abby, because I like her.

    These were fun, thank you!

  22. #1 Recommended books:
    Men of Grit Series and Millie Keith series.
    #2 Non-fiction for pleasure:
    Most definitely. It expands your knowledge and insight of the world around you. Biographies and History are essential.
    #3 Farthest traveling:
    Holland and France.
    #4 E-books vs. “real” books:
    We love, and prefer, to feel the hard copy in our hands, yet e-books are sometimes easier to reach.
    #5 Procrastinate…?
    #6 Future:
    Serve our God.
    #7 Supper tonight:
    Basmati rice with beef brisket and grilled vegetables.
    #8 “Scary” experience before death:
    Eto zamudroniy vapros.
    #9 Homemade vs. store-bought pizza:
    Homemade. We love cooking at home.
    #10 Book before film?
    The book.
    #11 Three people on an island:
    First of all, our family. Then, Lawrence, Pacarina and Chester Stoning. Colonel Nobody, Edmund Burke, and the rest of the Squad 1. Millie (Keith) Landreth and Gavriel (Micolaus) Lightcap would take the third place.

  23. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    Hunting in the Highlands! (haha)
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    Yes. I’m reading a book about Daniel Boone now for fun.
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    My dad and I were able to go to Florida in July.
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    Real Books!
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    Don’t we all?
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    I would like to go to college majoring in Criminal Justice.
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    Chinese food. (Even though I ate that for dinner last night.)
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    Some people think it’s scary if you were in a submarine while it’s under water. I’d like to go in one.
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    Store bought or pizza shop!
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    I don’t think I can decide.
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    Milligan(from The Mysterious Benedict Society), Daniel Boone, and…If it’s a beautiful tropical island, there’s no need to get off!

  24. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas!
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    That’s most of what I read. 🙂
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.)
    Georgia, USA
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    It depends…. Reading on my kindle is great, but real books are fun too!
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    Mostly be a writer. 😀
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    Pizza. And vanilla ice cream.
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    I don’t know… Maybe make a speech, or something? (Yeah, that’s scary!)
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    Oooh, that’s hard. Probably read the book.
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization?
    Cyrus Harding (The Mysterious Island), Athos (The Three Musketeers), and William Reynolds (Beyond the Mask)

  25. I have a blog called Radiant Women if anyone fancies checking it out 🙂 thanks for the nomination Caitie 😉 1. . What was the last book you read that you would recommend? Definitely ‘The Purpose driven Life’ by Rick Warren. 2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    Yes, the Bible! But otherwise not really.
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? I think San Francisco when I was 1!!
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    Definitely real books!
    5. Do you procrastinate? Um, yes, all the time!
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    Be a youth worker.
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    Pizza and apple and raspberry crumble with ice cream.
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    Maybe speak at a youth conference or something!? Or share my testimony with a whole load of young people.
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza? Depends what mood I’m in and depends what shop the pizza has been brought from, and of course, the flavour….
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    Probably read the book first.
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization? Bear Grylls (definitely!) I probably wouldn’t need anyone else, to be honest, but for fun I’d also pick my friend Ani for company and Abby Baker as I’d love to meet her and I’m sure she’d love the adventure! 😉

  26. 1. What was the last book you read that you would recommend?
    Actually “Summer of Suspense” (which I am currently reviewing for my church library) It’s great!
    2. Do you ever read non-fiction for pleasure (not schoolwork)?
    All the time! I the biggest book worm there ever was!
    3. What is the farthest-from-home place you’ve traveled? (That doesn’t mean you have to say where you live.) Barbados… I think… maybe California.
    4. Do you prefer e-books or ‘real’ books?
    Real books. E-books strain my eyes and real books are just SO authentic!!
    5. Do you procrastinate?
    All the time! Schoolwork, 4-h projects, and piano assignments. Plus tons of other stuff!
    6. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    A veterinarian, pediatric surgeon, PICU nurse, PICU doctor, or maybe a horseback riding instructor.
    7. If you could choose anything, what would you eat for supper tonight?
    Olive Garden… hands down.
    8. What’s one ‘scary’ thing do you want to attempt before you die?
    I really want to do something daring horseback riding. What? Idk. I guess I will just have to wait and see!
    9. Store-bought or homemade pizza?
    10. Do you prefer to read the book before you watch the film based on it, or the other way around?
    We have a rule in my family that you HAVE TO read the book first before you watch the movie (esp. Harry Potter >_<!)
    11. If you were stranded on an island, which three fictional characters or real-life people (current or historical) would you pick to help you get back to civilization? 1) Tom Sawyer (fiction) 2) Almanzo Wilder (real) 3) My best friend (for moral support)

    P.S. Feel free to check out my blog:

    Oh, and how long until this contest is over?

  27. yay, Yay, YAY Miss Hedgcock! I was waiting for you to say that for SUCH a long time! I’m SO glad that there will an 8th book next year!!!!!!

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