A Few Ideas

Dear Readers,

If you, like many of us, have felt a little overwhelmed by the changes that have affected life across the world this week, here are a few things you can do.

Firstly, pray! This one goes without saying … but how often are we tempted to let our eyes drift from the Lord and to neglect fellowship with Christ in favour of other things? Let’s read the Word, pray, be still and know that He is God (Ps. 46:10), and have confidence that no matter what changes, He never does. No matter the disappointment or the fear, He knows, He cares, and He is still in charge. Our faith is in Him!

You may be at home with time on your hands because of cancelled events, and you may not be sure what to do with that time. If so, it can be really helpful to find ways to take dominion over your space, and bring order to chaos.

That may look like cleaning your room.
Weeding the garden.
Training the dog.
Digging a hole to plant something or making a raised vegetable bed.
Germinating seeds.
Organizing your bookshelf.
Fixing the fence.
Stitching that hole in your socks. 🙂
Washing the car.
Repairing a bicycle tire.

Once you’ve exercised your physical muscles, maybe there are creative things you could do.

You could draw a picture.
Build something with a sibling.
Practice a musical instrument.
Learn a language.
Write a letter.
Write a poem, short story, or song.
Read a book (by yourself or aloud).
Listen to an audio book.
Practice calligraphy.
Make a LEGO masterpiece.
Make a LEGO masterpiece, while listening to an audio book!
Build a puzzle.
Sew something.
Learn to juggle!
Practice photography.

What suggestions would you add to this list? I’m sure you have fantastic ideas! Let’s avoid dwelling on the problem in the comments; let’s focus on helping each other find productive and creative ways to use our time.

Praying for your protection and peace!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Prov. 3:5-6

5 thoughts on “A Few Ideas

  1. Thank you so much, Caitlin – great reminders for a stressful time 🙂
    Here are some more ideas I thought of…
    1. Take some time to write an encouraging note to someone who is going through a hard time (texts and emails are great, but a handwritten note is extra meaningful and will be something they can hang onto for awhile).
    2. Find an easy bread recipe and try making homemade bread for your family.
    3. Journal the events of your day (this event (COVID-19) will probably be in the history books someday. By journaling your personal experiences you’ll have something to look back to and thus will be better able to remember what your firsthand experiences and emotions were going through this historic event!).
    4. Work on compiling family yearbooks from digital pictures you have.
    5. Take a long walk (fresh air is healthy!!).

    I really like your suggestion of organizing a bookshelf!

    • Those are great ideas! Thank you for sharing them with us.
      Journaling could be really helpful at this time. And if the words aren’t flowing, encouraging Scripture verses that you can find and hand-write are a blessing to think about and also to re-read later.

  2. Thank you for your encouragement C. R.! I don’t know about those in other places but here in CA we’re encouraged to go walking outside or bike riding in the fresh air. So for those who can do that it’s a good activity in these isolated times (maybe listening to an audio book while you walk/ride).

    I do have a quick question. I noticed that in this post you spelled the word favor with a “u” (favour). Are you from the UK by any chance?

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